Friday, May 30, 2008

Let's Wake Up

The other day, something really awesome happened.

The story is...I lost my history book. I lost it, like, towards the beginning of the year and I had NO idea where it was. I looked EVERYWHERE. But, after looking and looking, I just gave up and wasn't going to worry about it. Well, I stopped worrying about until, of course, it came time a few days ago to turn it in before the last day of school. Well, I was praying really hard that I could find this book. And I know that's a stupid thing to pray for, but those books are like, 70 dollars!!!! I did NOT wanna pay that! So, I kept praying for like 2 weeks that this book would show up somewhere or that I wouldn't have to worry about it. Well, the day of my history final (Wednesday) my friend Kristina was sitting in class and says to me "Liz! Someone turned in your book today!" ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW! I thought that was just the coolest thing ever. I immediately thanked God for helping me out with that problem.

I guess what I was trying to say with that story, is that I'm positive God does things like that in my life ALL THE TIME and I have just never really noticed it. I don't know why this situation stuck out to me that most...maybe God made me notice it. I'm just saying that we need to WAKE UP to what God is showing us everyday. There are days that I just go by and not even notice the things that God has placed in front of me...and even sometimes I notice them, but I don't take advantage of the situation.

Prayer does work, even if that sounds cliche. I heard a story about this youth group that knew a woman that was going to get an abortion. They really wanted to save the baby. They couldn't convince the woman to reconsider. They prayed so hard for about two weeks (that was how long it had been since they found out) and they didn't think they were going to stop her. They later found out that she didn't get the abortion...she actually couldn't, she was too far along in the pregnancy. That is a beautiful story about how God is always listening and always answering.

I don't know...this was random, but I've been thinking about it for a while now. And Margret Fienburg actually mentioned something like this in her book The Organic God (and AMAZING book btw; I highly recommend it).

Just to give something to think about for the weekend, and hopefully you will start noticing God and the opportunities he give you. You gives you those as GIFTS. :)

Peace & Happy Summer!


Anonymous said...

...So...I really needed that. I'm seriously at like the lowest point I've ever been right now, and I've like, half given up on God. And I know that's kind of immature, and even contradicting, because I believe soooo strongly that everything happens for a reason, but the feeling of loneliness I have right now also includes God.
So that big long thing was basically to say...thanks for that. Those kind of stories are encouraging.

Liz said...

Everyone has been at those points before, myself included. Just know that you've got a LOT of people that love you and our God is a BIG God.

I'm always thinking about you and praying for you. Keep your chin up, girl. :)

p.s. thanks for being so vulnerarble.