Monday, July 28, 2008

What's It Going To Take?

I'm sitting in my room at 2:45AM and I can't stop thinking.
I can't stop thinking about the people I saw today. The honest eyes I stared into and the cries for help I may have ignored.
I can't stop thinking about the upcoming school year and my excitement...but also my worry. My worry that I won't take advantage of God's gifts to me...the opportunities He will give me. I am worried that I won't love like I did in Mexico and the bucket of cold water has been hitting me since I stepped off the bus coming home from the most life changing trip.
I'm worried that Mexico is an extension of life...but then everyday I spend here in my comfort zone, won't be.
I can't stop thinking about my passion for people and how much LOVE is going to change my life and change the world.

I can't stop thinking about the conversations I have had lately. The community God has surrounded me with and the support and love I have just been drowning in.

I can't stop thinking about that old woman's I can't stop thinking about how I SAW A GLIMPSE OF WHAT LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE. I saw beauty in it's finest. I saw love like never before. I saw joy like never before. I saw community like never before. I saw God reveal Himself CONSTANTLY and I have to wonder...WHAT IS IS GOING TO TAKE?
What's it going to take for my life here to be like it was in Mexico?
What's it going to take for me to love without an agenda...inconveiniently...everyday?
What's it going to take for me to feel surrounded by His love and mercy and grace?
What's it going to take for me to sit with the guy who has no friends? Or love the girl who can't stand being fake anymore? Or have a conversation with the guy who greets you at the supermarket in a wheelchair?
What's it going to take for US to make this our reality? To live life the way God intended it to be lived? WHAT'S IT GOING TO TAKE?

Be the difference you want to see in the world. LOVE IS THE MOVEMENT. Let's move. Let's love. Let's live.


He is jealous for me. Loves like a hurricane I am a tree. Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclisped by glory. And I realize just how beauiful you are and how great your affections are for me.


We are His portion and He is our prize, drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes, If grace is an ocean we're all sinking. So Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss, And my heart turns violently inside of my chest, I don’t have time to maintain these regrets, When I think about, the way…



Ryan Weiss said...

Its going to take remembrance. Mexico has happened, its real, WE LIVED IT. But will we forget it?

Liz said...

That's good.
So, far it's been impossible for me to forget it. I am reminded of it everyday.

I'm going to begin to pray for rememberance. Not just of Mexico, but for every opportunity I have taken advantage of in my it's easier to take advantage of more.

Thanks, Ryan. :)
