Monday, June 30, 2008


So, I was reading Freddy's blog the other day and it was really awesome, so I thought I would share kinda what it was about and the questions he asked.

He was just saying that there are so many distractions in our life and so many things that keep a guard on our heart and these things keep us from freedom. At camp, we talked about freedom. He had us say all of the words that describe where we are at in our lives (in terms of our relationship with God) and then he had us say all the words that come to mind when we think of freedom and then to compare the two lists. He explained that to change a lot of the words on the first list (which were things like guilty, insecure, discouraged, confused, etc.) we need to surrender those to God and then we can experience freedom. 

The questions that he asked was what is keeping us from experiencing freedom? What is in the way of our hearts?

For me personally, it's my insecurity and low self esteem that is keeping me in the way of complete freedom, but I am really working on it and praying about it and it's has gotten and is getting so much better. I got to this better point in my life through, 1. Prayer. Prayer is the most important thing when it comes to your relationship with God. You guys have heard me say that a million times now! 2. Conversations. I have had INCREDIBLE conversations since I have started this crazy, awesome journey with God. With Freddy, Khris, my friends...even random people! It's been so cool to see how conversations really can shape your life.  3. Asking questions. I was watching a television show recently and this woman was telling her friend, who stood up in the middle of service to ask a question, she told her that church isn't really a place for questions, but just a place to learn the answers, without questions. While getting answers is good, you should still absolutely ask questions. We can't be expected to know everything. Heck, I just learned that there was book in the Bible called Haggai YESTERDAY! I would hate to think how confused I would be and far behind I would be if I didn't ask questions. So, don't be afraid to!!!

That's basically it for today. Thanks for listening and I hope that you got something out of it, because I really want you all to go on this journey with me. :)

Keep praying, asking questions, and having those great conversations. Remember that the conversations you have with people reflect the conversations you are having with God and vise versa.


p.s. I have another, and my last Mexico meeting tonight. I think that I will put my favorite notes up here tomorrow or Wednesday, because I have learned so much cool stuff at those meetings!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I told you I would tell you about camp, so here we go!

Pretty much amazing. Although, there was a lot of it that was disappointing.
The stuff that was disappointing was first of all, the people. I don't want this to sound harsh or anything, but the majority of the people there were very rude and I found it very difficult to make any new friends. But there were a few exceptions and I am grateful for them. Another was the worship. There were a few days that I got a lot out of it, but there were a couple days were everything seemed very... fake.
But through the disappointments, I realized that that stuff didn't matter, because they were just distractions. I really didn't want to let those things get in the way of me experiencing God that week. And, when I realized that, God threw me so many opportunities to feel and experience Him. One day, they had all of us go outside and gather around the flag pole and pray for our schools and the year coming up and that really helped me a lot, because I was so worried about the school year coming up. And I was worried about my patience and ability to love the people at school as well.
The most amazing night of camp, Wednesday night, we were in our individual church groups. Freddy simply just walked in and asked us if there was anyone there who needed prayer.
One by one people were raising their hand and asking for prayer. There were some people who were telling us things that they have never shared with anyone before. Pretty much everyone in the room was just weeping and praying over everyone and we were just taking care of each other and not judging anybody.
And just seeing this, touched me in such a way that I can't even explain. Knowing that we can be vulnerable and that I can trust all of those people. It was just so beautiful. We were united.
The thing that I really want is that unity in our community. If it happened with the 30 or 40 people who were in that room at camp, why isn't it happening normally. I also want it to happen in the church as a whole. I saw how beautiful and amazing it was...I want it to continue. 

I also built a lot of new relationships at camp. Me and Khris (I mentioned him in an earlier blog) had a really really great conversation after that Wednesday night and it was really cool talking to him and knowing that I could come to him for anything. I don't really know how to explain how thankful I am for the people in my church, especially the staff. They are so amazing.

That's basically the main parts of camp that I wanted to share with you. I would tell you all the funny stories, but this blog is long enough. I'll type a separate one for that after this. Even though I'm not sure you would find them all as funny as I do. :D


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One More Thing

"I think prayer is a lot like giving. It doesn't change God. It changes us." -Margret Feinburg (The Organic God)

It all comes back to intimacy. Intimacy with God=intimacy with people. And it happens with prayer. WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND PRAYER!!!!

Just chew on this for a little bit.



Wow. I finally understand, which is weird, because I feel like I should already have known this... In my last blog I was saying that I never know what to say in situations where I am talking to a non-believer. (I don't like that word...but I will use it for the sake of making sense).
So yesterday I am at my Mexico meeting and we were talking about how imagination and faith and knowledge are all related and there were a lot of other things said (and I might post the notes up later because they rule) but I realized that...I don't have to say anything at all.
My actions, my love for others, my smile should be enough of a witness. I should just be oozing with Jesus and then people will WANT to know. It's incredible that I kinda just realized this.
I am so insecure when it comes to what I say and how I say it. I feel like I never know what to say or if I make any sense. (I am wondering this right now) But I realized that I don't have to be blessed with the gift of speaking to witness to others.
I've also been blessed with singing, which could also help.

I just wanted to share my revelation with you!
I'll put my Mexico notes up later. OH! I will also tell you about camp because I got to go and it was incredible!!! :)


p.s. Still be praying for Mexico!! A lot of people are stressing about money.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

This Has Always Frustrated Me

"Jesus is watching everything you are doing. So always do good things because Jesus will reward you with a glimpse of heaven, which is the good nature of man and earth coexisting with the peace of angels. Thanks."
This was posted in a forum on a website that I joined forever ago...and it is totally sarcastic.

And since I am basically the only Christian on the website, I have NO clue how to reach these people or what to say or whatever. And I've always had this problem.
Everytime I would meet someone like this who didn't believe in God or hated church I never knew what to say, because I don't want to get into an argument or whatever.

I don't know, I've just always struggled with this and it has always just brought me to the point of tears...
I guess I'm just looking for advice/prayer/etc.


p.s. If this made no sense...make me clarify a bit. Haha.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Music Is Therepy

I don't have anything interesting to say or any rant to go about I thought I would just give you some cool music to listen to.

Everything on this list is something that I have been listening to lately. I'll put my favorite song after it. :)

1. Fionn Regan- I can't pick a favorite...they are all so great.
2. Kate Nash- "The Nicest Thing" or "Birds"
3. Rosie Thomas- "Prety Dress" or "The Ones I Love"
4. The Foals- "Red Socks Pugie"
5. Lost In The Trees- All of them.
6. Wolf Parade- I forgot what the song is called...but all their songs are great!
7. Manchester Orchestra- "I Can Feel Your Pain" or "The Neighborhood is Bleeding"
8. The Dodos- "Walking" or ...actually, just all their songs. :)
9. Seabird- I haven't listened to them too much yet, but Freddy says that they are "money". Haha.
10. Gregory and the Hawk- all of them. Her songs are beautiful.

So those are just the Top 10, I guess. Oh, and I am always listening to Regina Spektor. :)
I hope you enjoy and have a good week!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I have been thinking about prayer for a really long time. I have been wanting great prayer for a really long time. After Wired, (this awesome weekend retreat thing at my church) I have been trying to work on my prayer life, just trying to have more intimacy and to really listen to God and to have awesome conversation with Him, just like the ones I had with Him at Wired.
Like...during Wired, all I wanted to do was just to be totally focused on God the whole time. All I wanted to do was to pray and worship and learn. It was incredible how much I felt God that weekend and that's what has helped me with my relationship with Him now...and it's an amazing journey.

But, yesterday at our Mexico training meeting, prayer was our main focus, as well as our growth. I just wanted to share with you the notes that I took on Freddy's talk last night, because they are amazing! (I am just going to type down straight from my notes...if you have any questions, just comment)

Ask yourself these questions:
-Where are you at?
-how do you think you got there?
-Where do you want to go?
-How do you think you are going to get there?
My answers:
I felt like my relationship with God is good and so much better than it has ever been, but I still carry a lot of burdens and I still really really want to grow and learn and I said that I want to be in a place where I feel free through God and I got there because of the influences in my life and because I just allowed God to enter in and I was just tired of not feeling Him. Where I don't ever have to worry because I know that I am being taken care of and that I really just need to give everything up to Him, and I want to be in a place where I can do that. I said that I will get to that place by just doing more of everything. Definitely more prayer and just more pursuit.
-we should ask ourselves these questions OFTEN.
-Michael Angelo(spelling?):"Criticize by creating" which basically means "Shut up and do something about it!"

-How do we acquire more FAITH?
-We can do this through Prayer: "the means of maintaining our Christian life; there's nothing that we need to study and try to understand more than the art of prayer."
(also read Luke 11)
-our private life produces what happens in our public life
-everything comes back to prayer
-Ask yourself: How's my prayer life? (on a scale of 1-10)
-What would my life be life if it were a 10?
-We should be LISTENING to God
-think about one of the best prayer experiences you've had and make that the norm in your life.

Okay, so those are all the notes from yesterday....AMAZING right?
After Freddy talked, then we broke off into small groups and talked to each other about prayer and then prayed with each other about just whatever was on our hearts and whatever our conversations were about and that was incredible.
I am just encouraging you all to look at the last note taken...and follow that. Our prayer life could be so insanely and crazily awesome if we just really really try. I'M EXCITED. I'm ready to move...move with me. :)


p.s. Comments are COOL! Haha. Also, I have a few prayer requests, if that's alright?!
So, first off a friend of Freddy's, her name is Carol (who I've heard was just dripping with Jesus and who was totally awesome) she just passed away, so just be praying for her family. Also, just be praying for camp which is coming up this week. I'm not going, but I know a lot of people who are, so just pray that it goes well. And be praying for Mexico!!! We leave July 12th and come back home the 20th. Just pray for things such as safety, money, that we touch people's lives...stuff like that.
That's all I've got for you right now. If you feel comfortable, leave your requests down here and I'll pray for you. If not, I've got Facebook, Myspace, a phone! So, just whatever! (Sorry this one was so long...but I had to share!!!) Have a cool week!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Coming With A Broken Heart

Yesterday (Sunday, June 8th, I believe...) Brigid and I were at Border's and there are these books called Post Secret and for those of you who aren't familiar with them, it's a book that is filled with anonymous postcards and letters from people all over the world and they share their deepest secrets. (For those of you who have seen the music video "Dirty Little Secret" by The All-American Rejects, that's what it is.)
We sat in Border's for about 3 hours reading those books. Some of the secrets were funny and others were weird and gross, but most of them were very sad and depressing.
After reading this, it has been on my mind ever since. I cannot describe to you the feelings that I feel about this. I want SO much to help all those people. I want SO much for them to know that I love them. I am praying that God will send them peace. It has just been killing me since I read it, because I very very very much so want to help these people and I just feel very helpless, because I don't know them, I don't feel like I can help them....I don't know how many of them have already given up hope. (Be praying for me about that).
I spent a long time last night just crying and praying over those people.
I just want those people to feel what I feel. The fulfillment and the security I have in God and his love. And just how I never have to feel alone or scared. I want them to feel that SO SO much.

There is just so much more to this life than what they think is being offered. If you are feeling like this...I love you. God loves you. There is more to this life. (even if it sounds cliche)

I don't know. My heart is just broken over these people and this world...but I have hope in this world, even though it's hard sometimes...

Just pray with me about this. Thanks.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

My One Prayer

We are doing a new series at church called One Prayer and it seems like it's going to be really awesome. (
So, Freddy asked us if we had one prayer for ourselves, for our community, and for the church(the church as a whole), what would it be. I immediatly thought of love. My one prayer would be that I, we, would be known for our love of God and our love for people.
How awesome would it be if we brought people to church and brought people to God, simply because we love?! Really flippin awesome!!!! And I believe that we can do that. I believe in our community and the church, but one person believing isn't the same as EVERYONE believing. Know that you can make a difference!!! God will use you if you let Him.

So, what is your one prayer?
For yourself?
For your community?
For the church?

I am interested in hearing about it, if you don't mind sharing! :)

Just remember that I believe in us...remember to love.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Here vs.There

I went to my Mexico meeting yesterday and Freddy kept saying the same thing: We should be loving and serving the people here just as we do in Mexico.
He asked why it is so easy to serve the people in Mexico; even when they are sweaty and dirty, we serve them through love and when it's inconvenient. Why is it so easy to serve them and love them, but it's so hard to serve the same way here?

This is my first mission trip, so I personally haven't felt that feeling of serving when it's inconvenient like the others have...but I am sure that it is as easy as Freddy says. And there have been multiple times that God has put a situation in front of me where I needed to serve and needed to love, but I just ignored them.

Q: Why do I want to go on this trip?

Freddy asked a lot of us this question. I want to go because I feel like God has put it on my heart to go. I want to help those people and I want to become more aware. I feel like over here, we are sometimes sheltered to the world and I think this is going to help me understand what's going on. I just feel like...I will feel God on this trip and that it will help me understand Him more.

After the meeting, I wanted to add on another part of that answer...
Like I said earlier, I miss a lot of opportunities to serve. I really want this trip to help me to serve here as well, like in at my school or any other place for that matter. I really want to become a glimpse to what life is really about to others...

So, just be praying that this trip goes well and that we don't miss it and that God just really shows up.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Be Praying

So, this summer, like I said, is the summer for change and there are big changes that are going to be happening in my life and in our youth group.
Today, the new ninth graders came in and we welcomed them...and I just would ask that you keep them in your prayers and that they can feel comfortable and welcome...and also that they can understand and grow more.
I would also pray for the people going to camp, which is coming up in about 3 weeks or so. I'm not going, but just that it's a good trip for everyone else as well as a safe one.
We are also going to Mexico July 12-20th and I will be going on that trip, so just keep me and the others in your prayers as far as raising the money to go goes and also just that it's a safe trip and that everyone can get a lot out of it and that we really touch some people's lives. I have never been more excited about a trip in my life, so I am just soooo stoked!
My dad is leaving for Romania pretty much the week after I get back so keep him and the others in your prayers as well.

So, like I said...crazy summer, but awesome!

If you have anything you want me to be praying for, let me know!!!! I would be more than happy to pray for you. :)


Oh, pray for my friend Em and her family. Their friend is going through the last stages of cancer and it's just been hard on all of them. Thanks.