Thursday, June 5, 2008

My One Prayer

We are doing a new series at church called One Prayer and it seems like it's going to be really awesome. (
So, Freddy asked us if we had one prayer for ourselves, for our community, and for the church(the church as a whole), what would it be. I immediatly thought of love. My one prayer would be that I, we, would be known for our love of God and our love for people.
How awesome would it be if we brought people to church and brought people to God, simply because we love?! Really flippin awesome!!!! And I believe that we can do that. I believe in our community and the church, but one person believing isn't the same as EVERYONE believing. Know that you can make a difference!!! God will use you if you let Him.

So, what is your one prayer?
For yourself?
For your community?
For the church?

I am interested in hearing about it, if you don't mind sharing! :)

Just remember that I believe in us...remember to love.



Ryan Weiss said...

My One Prayer for me, the community, and for the Church is to fall in Love with God. Love radiates, and I think that if we could fall in love with God and know him intamately, then the part of bringing others to us and sharing love with everyone would become something that we could not not do.

Liz said...

That's good stuff, Ryan! Love seriosuly amazes me with its possibilites.

Anonymous said...

I actually really really agree with you. I just saw this news story about a hit-and-run accident and this guy was just left in the street, hurt, and everyone just walked by. It was awful. I seriously think if there was just more love in the world, so much would be healed...stupid religious wars, crimes, adultery...
And, of course, the ultimate source of love is God. But people don't know that.

Anonymous said...

Who could argue with love? I mean seriously, when you have love, everything else just comes together. Because of it, a deep, genuine, passion comes for Christ and our world would look COMPLETELY different.