Thursday, September 4, 2008

Become Aware

Today I was watching What Woman Want (don't ask me why! It was just on!) Anyway, Mel Gibson's character, Nick has an accident and the result is that he can hear what woman are thinking. There is this one woman in the office where he works, named Erin. She is always thinking to herself things like, "I bet if I just jumped out the window, no one would notice. No one cares about me..." When Nick hears these things, he has a choice: He can ignore them, or he can help her.
In the end of the movie, he ends up saving her life and making her feel like she is of worth.

As I was watching this, I couldn't help but think to myself "how many people like do I come into contact with everyday that are like Erin?"

We need to become more AWARE. I know I keep saying this, but I wouldn't always talk about it if it wasn't IMPORTANT!
I know that Mel Gibson had an advantage...being able to hear womens thoughts and all, but seriously, there are more people crying out for help than you realize and most of the time it is pretty obvious...we just aren't taking the time to listen and to be aware.

What about the person in your math class who is always telling the girl next to her her personal problems? I'm sure she wants others to heat her so she can get help! Or at least we can take a few minutes of our time to pray for her...or go out of our way to turn around and give her some encouraging words or advice. Just so she knows that there is still LOVE in the world and that people still care.

Just start each day with a small prayer to help God make you aware. You will surprise yourself with how easily the love with come. All the Erin's out there need us....the world needs us.



Anonymous said...

Tis actually a pretty okay movie,
and today,
before I even read this blog,
I start off my day with a prayer,
I don't beleive I've done before
in a long
long loooong,

Liz said...

God is tugging at your heart...don't ignore it.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen the movie before, but WOW!

We actually did a little drama about this at this AMAZING summer camp (but we based it off this video we had seen.)

This guy has this horrible day, everyone is wrong and messing with him. Then he gets these glasses that can see their emotions and problems. He then relives that same day, seeing WHY people are being jerks, why they're so clumsy, why they're not perfect. And he ends up using those glasses to bring a smile to a little boys day (Awww)

But that's what we're called to be, the light! We can brighten up other people's day with a simple smile, how much more could we do if we gave them God's love!?!

(And in case anyone cares, our drama tied for 2nd place, out of 7 dramas, w00t w00t!)