Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Heart of Why

As I see all of the hurting people around me and that I come into contact with, I can't help but wonder why? We can't just simply blame our hurts on depression or past...there is something deep inside of our core that is causing our pain.

I've had quite a few people who have confided in me and talked to me about their pain. There is one girl who I remember talked to me and she hadn't cut for about 9 months and then there's a message from her that says "I just threw 9 months away...I did it again. I am so broken."
And I just asked her "Why?"
She didn't know how to answer.

We can say, "I just had a bad day" or "I suffer from depression" or "I got into a fight with my parents"...whatever. But really...why?
When we get to the heart of why...we really can't blame anyone. It's just a loss of hope, or more-so, finding hope from the wrong place.

When Jesus is the thing that connects our head and our heart together, then the hope and the healing should just come with it.

So, ask yourself why?

Find hope.
Find help.
Find healing.

Wake up...you're ALIVE.


Btw, that girl did NOT waste 9 months. Those months of sobriety are worth sooo much and she should really be proud of herself. But don't think of it as months. Don't think "I have to be clean for the rest of my life!!!" Just take it one day at a time. Focus on living your life that day. It'll get easier.
You are certainly loved.

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