Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm thinking...dreaming...

I’m obsessed with dreaming. I wouldn’t even be close to the same person without them. The dreams I have and hold close to my heart are some of the dearest blessings to me!


In countries like Ethiopia, India, South Africa, etc., there are woman who know absolutely NOTHING about sex or contraceptives. And if they have been educated about it…the contraceptives are WAY out of their price range.
We watched a video about this in Environmental Studies and my heart was breaking. There are families living on a dollar or less a day and have to support 7, 8, 9 children. There are many woman, men, and children suffering from horrible diseases, like HIV/AIDS. Some woman who cannot afford to have another child, get “backalley” abortions (they used wire hangers or long stickes) and it puts their life in GREAT danger…many of the woman who do this die, while others become sterile or have serious other problems.

How do these woman not know about sex and their own bodies? Why is no one educating them? And why are contraceptives SO expensive for them? (an average of $30…they only make $120 a year).

My dream and prayer is that I can start and organization for these woman. We in America get condoms and birth control for an extremely low price…even for free in some cases. I would love to get something going to where I can get these woman (and men) contraceptives for free, along with information.

Please pray for me as I try to make this happen…anyone’s help is AMAZING.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't really know how to help you (except prayer, of course), but I think this is an incredible idea...I would love to help if there's anything I could do! Keep up the dreaming and loving! :D