Thursday, December 11, 2008

Heart Cry

I sit here and I'm longing for your presence to wrap around me and for your strong words to make it's circles around my heart. I wish I could feel you...
My heart is broken. I want to hug and encourage the people in my classrooms and in my world. The talks of their weekends and homes and lives make me want to scream out to them...To let them know how loved they are by their Creator, how BIG you are, how much more fulfilling and beautiful life can be.
How will they believe me when I have a hard time believing it myself? When my confidence isn't even a small speck in the sky? For a God so big, my faith is so small. My lust and desire for life has faded again and again like the sun. I cannot rely on a starry sky alone to keep me uplifted.
The grip I have on the thin thread I'm holding onto is loosening and there are times I cannot believe you will be there to catch me, God.
My ability to love cannot happen on its own; I keep trying and trying...and failing and failing.
Every room I walk into...I want you to breath on it. The pain and uselessness I feel is almost too much and I want you to expand inside my heart...your warm breath to melt the cold that has formed around it.
My focus is completely backward. I feel as though I'm suffocating inside this dark corner I've ran myself into, and I'm stuck. I don't want this. I never have, and I've gotten too good at making myself think I do. You are the only one who can free me from my chains and darkness...from my fears and failures...from my self-hatred and grudges against myself.
I'm opening my hands to feel you. My eyes to see your great light. My heart to know you and your love for me. Consume me in every possible way. Make me aware of how much bigger you are than my fear, insecurity, failures, darkness, grudges...


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Robert Pattinson

The lead in Twilight (terrible books series...even worse movie. But that's just my opinion. Please...I don't want any angry mobs coming and killing me). Anyway, this dude SINGS. He is very attractive (more-so in Harry Potter than in Twilight. Again, just my opinion) but hearing him sing made him almost unbelievably attractive. Emily (best friend) and I were in AWE. Baffled, even. You look at him and would never in a million years think he could sing the way he does or sing (or write) the songs he does. I still cannot believe it.

Here's a preview: (ignore the dumb slide show...I'm just using this video for the song)

YEAAAA. I'm pretty impressed and amazed. Just thought I would share with the Blog world. Perhaps you are just as impressed as I am.


Monday, December 1, 2008

My, God. What a loyal and faithful One, you are.

I have a friend and life has given her some pretty bad scars and bruises. Giving up seems like the only option to her. She attempted suicide, but by the grace of God, she called 911 and was rushed to the hospital.

This hit me like a bus. One of my very good friends is at the end of her rope...almost killed herself. I felt like I had no words. I really didn't have any words. I prayed to God telling Him "God. I'm wrestling with crap in my own heart and I don't know what I can do or say!!! Lord, please help me!"

God, heard my cry and everything I could think of to say, came from scripture. OF COURSE! What a better way to encourage someone through words than from the word of God Himself! I also realized that everything I had gone through in life. Everytime life left me beat up and broken....was for this moment and for this girl and for others down the road just like this.

"And trust me...God hasn't given up. He really really hasn't. Dont forget. He is holding your hand. It may not be today or tomorrow or next week/month/year...but one day, everything will be bright and beautiful. Everything will make is in our Father's arms that things are no longer hazy or overwhelming or stressful or burdensome."

What a message of hope! Straight from God. Christ is STICKING UP FOR US. He is, He is! Right now at this very moment. His heart is breaking over your pain, but He has hope because He IS hope...and He knows how much his blood on the cross was worth.

Giving up hope.......
One of the worst things you can do.
DON'T GIVE UP. God hasn't given up. He understands her pain...OUR pain more than even we understand it. And it feels it too.

No words...just gratitude and hope in you and who you are. I love you. Be with my friend. Continue to give me words and wisdom for her. Continue to teach me. I LOVE YOU. Help me, and her, and others to never give up.


I'm always here for anyone that needs to talk. ALWAYS.

Post Secret

I'm sure a lot of you have heard about this by now. People send in their secrets to PostSecret and they post them on blogs and publish them in books. I read two of the books. My heart was broken afterwards. Here are a few I found.
















Take some time to pray for these people. Check out the website:
You can find the books at Borders if you are interested.

I'll add more occasionally. There are just some that can cut straight through, ya know? Crazy. So many people are hurting, but they are so good at pretending and keeping secrets. Just try to be more aware. You never know how much your smile or kind words can help someone.
