Monday, August 25, 2008


I was watching television the other night and there was this documentary on.
(I tend to watch a lot of those...they are so intreging to me!)
This one was about this Chinese woman who has recently been named the tallest woman in the world, reaching well over 7 feet! It's because of this tumer on her petuitary gland and it makes her grow up to 2 inches every year.
Because of her non-stop growing body, her mobility is extremely limited and she spends most of her days in bed and everyday, people who live in her town crowd around her little house just to watch her...gawking at her and her un-believable features.
Laying in bed all day, every day, brings upon a lot of time to think. The longing in her heart to be normal, to be just like everyone else, to be overwelms her.

As I was sitting there watching that, I couldn't help but just cry. Crying over this woman and the way she feels about herself. Thinking the whole time "God thinks you are SO beautiful and so perfect. God loves you...He made you BEAUTIFUL."

After watching the first half of the show, I went to bed. I layed in bed and I was just struck. God made ME beautiful and made ME perfect as well...

Why is it so easy for me to tell others that and mean it, but then when it comes to myself and my own insecurity...I can't believe it?
I hear verses on it all the time and people say it all the time...

There is a huge difference between knowing and believing.

So, just so you know...God thinks you are SO beautiful and so perfect. God loves you...He made you BEAUTIFUL.
Let's start to believe that together, because there is something about people with confidence...people who know they are beautiful because of God.


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