Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Tonight we got a taste of communtiy. We are really starting to understand and hold onto the idea of making a community that equals freedom. We are starting to understand how important vulnerability is and why taking off the mask...getting rid of the fake smile and pulling your arm down is so important.
You can't give love if you aren't accpeting it. We are starting to understand how important it is to have a solid community. A community that can be God in a physical sense, holding you up...pulling you out of the ditches in life and just living their life to be there for others.

It's a beautiful thing to be apart of and I can't even understand why other churches are supporting the masks. Why they are afraid of the vulnerability. Why? Because, it's awkward? Because it's inconveinent? Because it's uncomfortable? Those things are during those MOMENTS. They aren't going to last. Why not endure those moments of awkwardness and inconveinence to be apart of authentic community? to help someone who is struggling? Who is willing to say "Hey. I'm DONE with not living life. I'm done with the ordinary. I'm done with keeping you at arms length and having to say I'm doing great, when in reality I feel like I'm falling apart."?

I feel extrodinarailly blessed to be apart of my community....

I pray that this continues and that it only gets better. That we actually start having conversations and getting to know the girl who came every week for four months and NO ONE talked to her...or at least learn her name and say we are happy to see her.

Just pray. God really is big enough. He really does do extraordinary things. BE AWARE. Open your eyes. Learn. Live.


P.s. Relevance people! Or whoever cares! This is my number:636-233-8102
I do not have unlimited texting (I'm working on it!) so don't text just asking What's up. haha.
But if you need someone to talk to or if you have any cool ideas for the upcoming year at the Realm or anything like that just text or call me. :)
I'm not big on the whole talking on the phone thing...but I will still gladly talk to you on the phone. Especially if you are just going through something. Don't hesitate...really.

My email is also
I check it everyday...and mostly everyone has my Facebook.
Yeahh. Cool! Just talk to me. About anything (I'm not joking...ANYTHING!). We will get coffee...or whatever.


Anonymous said...

I feel blessed too, Liz. It's so fabulous that we're living life the way it's supposed to be lived. Freddy raised that bar for us, it's not the American standard which everyone can step over. It's not going to church once a week and not feeling anything. It's life. It builds on itself. It's worth more than anything in the world, and it's exactly what we're meant to live for. Thanks for writing this, girl. =D

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't mean to make that anonymous. I don't really understand this stuff, lol.

Liz said...

Thanks for that, girl. I can't really put into words the way I feel about it and how sooo freaking excited I am for our community. I think this year it's just gonna take off.
Like, right now is just the beginning!!!
Just dreaming about the future and about what God is gonna do and how he is gonna bless us and use's overwelming.
GOSH. I'm so excited.

hahaha, and it's cool, Tori!!! It's a confusing thing...