Friday, February 27, 2009

Been Awhile

I apologize! Got a lot going on.

This is really just to let you all know kinda that, first off, Im still alive! And second off, just some of the things that are going on...what God is teaching me...etc.

One thing that I have always known, but am becoming more aware of each day is just how BLESSED I am. Like I am seriously so in love with life and God and life just overflows with blessings and love from God! It's incredible.

God also blessed me with an amazing new friend, named Joe. He is pretty legit and it's been really cool to see that friendship grow. I've also patched up a lot of old relationships I have and met a ton of new people. I just love PEOPLE and just being around them and learning from them and growing with that has been really awesome. I do have a few relationships that are going to require a lot of patience and a few tough conversations...and a lot of tears, as I have been learning. I have a friend right now who I haven't seen or even really talked to in months. She is like, my best friend and I have seen her in months. She isn't showing up to church, answering her phone... I feel sometimes just so helpless in this situation with her. It hurts me so much to just think about how she is living right now. I wish I could just DO something. I pray for her always though...and I love her with all my heart. Right now, I think that is the only thing I really can do.

I went to Wired last weekend...Im gonna be straight up...I have mixed feelings. Even Joe said that out of everyone he talked to about it, I was the least entusiastic. And it wasn't because I didn't learn or didn't feel God or have a good time, it was just soooo different for me this year. This year I came to Wired already so fulfilled and in love that it was just really different to go to Wired with those types of feelings already. And it has been something that has been hard to kind of come to grips with. Like, I am in an intimate place with God...but I can't keep expecting like just absolutely incredible, face melting moments everyday...I don't know. So, I mean, I loved Wired and loved the experience and Marc's preaching and the's just gonna take, getting used to, I guess. One thing that hit me like an elbow to the face was just like...why me? Why was I choosen to have this life and to be a follower of Christ and to just be so absolutely in love and to tell the good news? Why does God love me so much?!?! So much that He sent His only son.... Why does Jesus love me so much that He would die for me? And even die for the people who hung Him and beat Him and betrayed Him? WHY? It's such an amazing grace and something that I will never be able to understand as long as I live, but I am okay with that. I am loved by the creator of the universe and a beautiful Savior...that's enough for me, always.

Okay, I've written enough for one night. Just wanted to catch everyone up! :)


Verse: "Say only what helps; each word is a gift." (Eph. 4:29). I wrote this verse on my hand the other day and I can't tell you how much it helped and encouraged me! What I say, whether it's through my words or body language, are affecting people. Am I reflecting the Jesus that I love or am I reflecting Liz...who is dirty and broken and a sinner?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm thinking...dreaming...

I’m obsessed with dreaming. I wouldn’t even be close to the same person without them. The dreams I have and hold close to my heart are some of the dearest blessings to me!


In countries like Ethiopia, India, South Africa, etc., there are woman who know absolutely NOTHING about sex or contraceptives. And if they have been educated about it…the contraceptives are WAY out of their price range.
We watched a video about this in Environmental Studies and my heart was breaking. There are families living on a dollar or less a day and have to support 7, 8, 9 children. There are many woman, men, and children suffering from horrible diseases, like HIV/AIDS. Some woman who cannot afford to have another child, get “backalley” abortions (they used wire hangers or long stickes) and it puts their life in GREAT danger…many of the woman who do this die, while others become sterile or have serious other problems.

How do these woman not know about sex and their own bodies? Why is no one educating them? And why are contraceptives SO expensive for them? (an average of $30…they only make $120 a year).

My dream and prayer is that I can start and organization for these woman. We in America get condoms and birth control for an extremely low price…even for free in some cases. I would love to get something going to where I can get these woman (and men) contraceptives for free, along with information.

Please pray for me as I try to make this happen…anyone’s help is AMAZING.


Friday, January 16, 2009

I am a Woman

I love this. Leaves me speechless and wanting more of my amazing Jesus.

“I am a woman of no distinction, of little importance; I am a woman of no reputation. You whisper as I pass by, cast judgmental glances, but you don’t take the time to AT me or even get to know me for who I am. For to be known is to be loved, and to be loved is to be known, and otherwise, what’s the point in doing either one of them in the first place. I want to be known. I want someone to look at my face and not just see two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and two ears; But to see all that I am and could be, all my hopes loves and fears, but that is to much to hope for, wish for, or pray for, so I just don’t, not anymore. Now I keep to myself and by that I mean the pain that keeps me in my own private jail, the pain that’s brought me here, at midday to this well. To ask for a drink is no big deal, but to ask it of me? A woman unclean, ashamed, used and abused, an outcast a failure, a disappointment, a sinner. No drink passing from these lips to yours could ever be refreshing. Only condemning, as I am sure you condemn me now, but you don’t.

You’re a man of no distinction, but of the utmost importance, a man of little reputation, at least
so far. You whisper and tell me to my face what all those glances have been about, and you
take the time to really look at me, but don’t need to get to know me, for to be known is to be loved but to love is to be known, and you know me, you actually know me. All of me and everything about me. Every though inside and every hair on top of my head, every hurt stored up, every hope, every dread, my past and my future, who I am and could be. You tell me everything. YOU TELL ME ABOUT ME. And that which is spoken by another would bring hate and condemnation, but with you it bring love and grace, mercy hope and salvation. I have heard of one to come, who would save a wretch like me, and here in my presence you say, ‘I am He’. To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known. And I just met you but I love you, I don’t know you, but I want to get to know you. Let me run back to town, this is way to much for just me, there are others, brothers, sisters, lovers, haters, the good and the bad, sinners and saints, who should hear what you’ve told me, who should see what you’ve shown me, who should taste what you gave me, who should feel how you forgave me. For to be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known. And they all need this too; we all do need it for our own.”

(This is a modern, re-written version of the story of the woman at the well which can be found here: John 4:3-30)

Here's the video:


Thursday, January 8, 2009


I've realized something. I really like ANSWERS. I just don't like to be left hanging and not knowing something. Another thing I'm realizing about needs to change. I will go to church some weeks or go into a conversation with a burden on my heart and I really just want the answer to my pain or confusion. I want a magic formula or something so I can just breathe and say, "Okay...if I do this, THEN everything will be fine." But most of the time (all the time) I feel lost and even more confused than before.
Sometimes, I get this "mirage" of an answer. I go along with it for a while...and then things get rocky again. I get exhausted and discouraged.
The thing that really gets me is that through all this seeking "knowledge", there's no journey. I should be on an amazing discovery and trip! But instead I just sit and I wait for the answer, not on GOD (so...God IS the answer?). I had a conversation with Freddy recently and he said something that really got the gears moving, "There's not magic formuala! You just have to stop and have to move on." So, wait. I have to just...figure this out on my own?????!!!! No, I don't. But I do need to learn how to trust and then act on that.

Im obviously still working through this a lot. BUT I don't KNOW all the ANSWERS! It's okay to work through things for a while! It's just all about trust. God isn't gonna leave you hanging! So, like...really. Just trust, stay close to God's heart...He will always tell you what to do and carry you through. He's absolutely obsessed with us! And He is mighty to do it.
How beautiful!


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Heart Cry

I sit here and I'm longing for your presence to wrap around me and for your strong words to make it's circles around my heart. I wish I could feel you...
My heart is broken. I want to hug and encourage the people in my classrooms and in my world. The talks of their weekends and homes and lives make me want to scream out to them...To let them know how loved they are by their Creator, how BIG you are, how much more fulfilling and beautiful life can be.
How will they believe me when I have a hard time believing it myself? When my confidence isn't even a small speck in the sky? For a God so big, my faith is so small. My lust and desire for life has faded again and again like the sun. I cannot rely on a starry sky alone to keep me uplifted.
The grip I have on the thin thread I'm holding onto is loosening and there are times I cannot believe you will be there to catch me, God.
My ability to love cannot happen on its own; I keep trying and trying...and failing and failing.
Every room I walk into...I want you to breath on it. The pain and uselessness I feel is almost too much and I want you to expand inside my heart...your warm breath to melt the cold that has formed around it.
My focus is completely backward. I feel as though I'm suffocating inside this dark corner I've ran myself into, and I'm stuck. I don't want this. I never have, and I've gotten too good at making myself think I do. You are the only one who can free me from my chains and darkness...from my fears and failures...from my self-hatred and grudges against myself.
I'm opening my hands to feel you. My eyes to see your great light. My heart to know you and your love for me. Consume me in every possible way. Make me aware of how much bigger you are than my fear, insecurity, failures, darkness, grudges...


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Robert Pattinson

The lead in Twilight (terrible books series...even worse movie. But that's just my opinion. Please...I don't want any angry mobs coming and killing me). Anyway, this dude SINGS. He is very attractive (more-so in Harry Potter than in Twilight. Again, just my opinion) but hearing him sing made him almost unbelievably attractive. Emily (best friend) and I were in AWE. Baffled, even. You look at him and would never in a million years think he could sing the way he does or sing (or write) the songs he does. I still cannot believe it.

Here's a preview: (ignore the dumb slide show...I'm just using this video for the song)

YEAAAA. I'm pretty impressed and amazed. Just thought I would share with the Blog world. Perhaps you are just as impressed as I am.


Monday, December 1, 2008

My, God. What a loyal and faithful One, you are.

I have a friend and life has given her some pretty bad scars and bruises. Giving up seems like the only option to her. She attempted suicide, but by the grace of God, she called 911 and was rushed to the hospital.

This hit me like a bus. One of my very good friends is at the end of her rope...almost killed herself. I felt like I had no words. I really didn't have any words. I prayed to God telling Him "God. I'm wrestling with crap in my own heart and I don't know what I can do or say!!! Lord, please help me!"

God, heard my cry and everything I could think of to say, came from scripture. OF COURSE! What a better way to encourage someone through words than from the word of God Himself! I also realized that everything I had gone through in life. Everytime life left me beat up and broken....was for this moment and for this girl and for others down the road just like this.

"And trust me...God hasn't given up. He really really hasn't. Dont forget. He is holding your hand. It may not be today or tomorrow or next week/month/year...but one day, everything will be bright and beautiful. Everything will make is in our Father's arms that things are no longer hazy or overwhelming or stressful or burdensome."

What a message of hope! Straight from God. Christ is STICKING UP FOR US. He is, He is! Right now at this very moment. His heart is breaking over your pain, but He has hope because He IS hope...and He knows how much his blood on the cross was worth.

Giving up hope.......
One of the worst things you can do.
DON'T GIVE UP. God hasn't given up. He understands her pain...OUR pain more than even we understand it. And it feels it too.

No words...just gratitude and hope in you and who you are. I love you. Be with my friend. Continue to give me words and wisdom for her. Continue to teach me. I LOVE YOU. Help me, and her, and others to never give up.


I'm always here for anyone that needs to talk. ALWAYS.

Post Secret

I'm sure a lot of you have heard about this by now. People send in their secrets to PostSecret and they post them on blogs and publish them in books. I read two of the books. My heart was broken afterwards. Here are a few I found.
















Take some time to pray for these people. Check out the website:
You can find the books at Borders if you are interested.

I'll add more occasionally. There are just some that can cut straight through, ya know? Crazy. So many people are hurting, but they are so good at pretending and keeping secrets. Just try to be more aware. You never know how much your smile or kind words can help someone.


Sunday, November 23, 2008


I'm overwhelmed by my thoughts.
But one sticks out: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
God...I'm always in awe of you and how truly RADIANT you are.


I honestly cannot think of anything else right now.
Just your beauty.
And I thank you for not hiding it from me.
What a privilege.
I cannot think of anything in the world that I would rather have than just life with you and experiencing your NEVER ENDING, NEVER FAILING, EVER LASTING BEAUTY AND LOVE.

I can't get enough! I love you so much. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for saving my life and transforming me and for your blood. Thank you for moments like this. Thank you for listing to me. Thank you for holding my hand, wiping my tears...crying with me, celebrating with me, laughing with me, driving with me, walking with me, sitting with me, doing my homework with me....NEVER LEAVING MY SIDE. Thank you for our intimate friendship. Thank you for loving me and finding me beautiful...and seeing my beauty in it's truest form. Thank you, Lord...thank you. You are enough, you are beautiful. I couldn't ask for more or for better. I love you more than life.

"How I long to be broken.
How I long to be near you.
How my heart skips beats when
your love accepts me as I am."


Friday, November 21, 2008

Walking With Us

I'm gonna try to keep this simple:
Jesus is with us. Every day, every second. Listening to us, speaking to us, holding our hand, standing behind us making sure to catch us when we fall.

"The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us." -Romans 8:36 (The Message)

I seriously cannot get over the fact that we have a God who will never EVER leave our side or give up on matter how tough things get or how stubborn we are.
He is patient, loving, kind, understanding, forgiving, beautiful...everything!!!

This is just something that has become more real to me each day. Each day as I struggle in the world, I come upon joy and love as I live with God, because He humbles Himself to live within me and with me. I'm obsessed with this faith.

Just wanted to offer some encouragement to those who need it. Don't think for a second God doesn't love you or that He isn't with you, even in the darkest of times.
