Tuesday, July 8, 2008

God Is So Much Bigger Than This.

"Its hard not to feel like I'm a fuck up and I can't help anyone else, because I can barely save myself. So why do I chose to mask my pain and try to never let go again? I almost cut for the first time in 2 years last night because of the things that are still echoing through my mind and soul all the heartbreaks and being called a fuck up. I still scream it at myself. I fear failure. I can not sleep at night without thinking what a fucking fuck up I am because of the feeling that my mother and abusive stepfather were right. All I am is a fuck up, a mistake, a dreamer, and a failure."

I read this in a forum on my TWLOHA Street Team profile.
I didn't feel it was necessary to censor it...so I'm sorry if you were offended or whatever.

Can I just say that I am absolutely heart broken?! Not only is this just a sad story, but he doesn't understand how much God loves him...how much God wants him to come to Him and to just rest in His arms. He doesn't see how this situation isn't even close to being as big as God and that this is an experience that can turn into an opportunity.
If I could snapped my fingers and make all his pain go I away...I would in a second. But I can't. I am just going to continue to pray for him.

If this is you....if you see your situation through his, DON'T GIVE UP ON GOD. And don't give up on yourself. Just like I said, God is so much bigger than this. THIS WORLD HAS NOTHING FOR YOU. Follow Him. I believe in absolutely every single on of you and I love you.

Live your life. Don't let Satan win.


p.s. I am here for anyone who needs someone to talk to, or someone to cry and snot all over. :)
Just message me, text me, call me. I love getting coffee and just having conversation. Seriously. I'm here.

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