Friday, July 11, 2008

Truely Be Apart Of The Movement.

I notice a lot of people just at my school or on the dreaded Myspace and other places, who wear TWLOHA (To Write Love On Her Arms) t-shirts or have Love is the Movement on their profiles and whatever. But, I wonder how many people actually get it or understand it? I wonder how many people are living their lives like they believe that love actually is the movement?

Love is just...I can't explain it. Love isn't a cool t-shirt or just "being apart of something" like a trend or whatever.
Love is huge.
It's beautiful.
It's inconvenient at times.
It's messy at times.
It's pure.
We can't achieve the right kind of love and we can't make love the movement, if we aren't living our life FOR love. And this is hard. It's really hard...but we were made for love.

There is so much crap in this world and the world deserves our love...and they deserve for it to be real and all the time, even when it's inconvenient.

Examine your heart. Are you loving like you were MADE to love? The way that God intended us to love? Or, is this just a cool t-shirt and a trend to you?

I believe in you. Love is the Movement...we need to make it happen. Let God use you.


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