Sunday, June 22, 2008

This Has Always Frustrated Me

"Jesus is watching everything you are doing. So always do good things because Jesus will reward you with a glimpse of heaven, which is the good nature of man and earth coexisting with the peace of angels. Thanks."
This was posted in a forum on a website that I joined forever ago...and it is totally sarcastic.

And since I am basically the only Christian on the website, I have NO clue how to reach these people or what to say or whatever. And I've always had this problem.
Everytime I would meet someone like this who didn't believe in God or hated church I never knew what to say, because I don't want to get into an argument or whatever.

I don't know, I've just always struggled with this and it has always just brought me to the point of tears...
I guess I'm just looking for advice/prayer/etc.


p.s. If this made no sense...make me clarify a bit. Haha.

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